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  1. odotusaika, raskaus, raskausaika, äitiys.

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englanti puhekieltä Pertaining to a crown or garland.
Bishop Pearson
The coronary thorns did not only express the scorn of the imposers by that figure into which they were contrived, but did also pierce his tender and sacred temples to a multiplicity of pains, by their numerous acuminations.
Sir Thomas Browne
The catalogue of coronary plants is not large in Theophrastus.
puhekieltä Encircling something (like a crown), especially with regard to the artery arteries or veins of the heart.
A coronary thrombosis or heart attack.

Manny had a coronary last week, followed by a triple bypass.

A small bone in the foot of a horse.


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henry, sherry, sorry, curry, kärry, ostoskärry, peräkärry, country, jury, treasury

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